If you are in receipt of a rent subsidy you can apply to transfer to another Corporation unit if:
- You have been a tenant of the Corporation for 12 consecutive months;
- You have paid your rent in full and on time for the previous six months and continue this up to the date of your transfer;
- You have kept your suite clean, tidy and undamaged, as determined by your annual inspection, and by an inspection which will take place before your transfer request is approved;
- You and other occupants of your suite have not been disruptive to your neighbours;
- You must meet one of the following transfer reasons:
Medical Need
The unit presently occupied by the tenant is (or will become) injurious to the health of the tenant or to a member of their household. The tenant has medical documentation from a medical practitioner indicating how a move will improve or alleviate their medical condition.
Safety Concerns
Continued residence in a unit or vicinity will put the well-being of the tenant or a member of their household at serious risk from trauma, violence and/or harassment. Police, medical or professional victim services must support these circumstances in writing.
Inappropriate Unit Size for Household
A change in the household composition has resulted in the unit being too big (over housed) or too small (under housed) for the household. National Occupancy Standards apply: dependent people aged 12 years of age or older do not share a bedroom and dependents of the opposite gender aged 5 and older do not share a bedroom.
Subsidized Income Increases
Tenants in receipt of a rent subsidy can apply for a transfer to an affordable or near-market unit if their income increases above the Household Income Limits however not above the maximum income for our affordable or near-market units.
Affordable and Near-Market Transfer Requests
If you are an affordable or near-market tenant you must meet the first 4 eligibility requirements as stated above and meet our income guidelines. Read more >>
Tenant Relocation due to Redevelopment
The CRHC Tenant Relocation Policy (PDF) outlines rehousing provisions for current affordable housing tenants in aging CRHC affordable housing communities that are being proposed for redevelopment.