victoriaThe City of Victoria encourages and supports public art creation of many kinds, from temporary exhibits to permanent commissions and collaborations with businesses and neighbourhood groups.

Where to Find Public Art

Victoria is home to the largest collection of public art in the region. A concentration of public art can be found throughout Downtown including Harris Green and Chinatown. Many more pieces can be found in the residential neighbourhoods of Burnside Gorge, Fairfield, Fernwood, Hillside-Quadra, James Bay, Jubilee, North Park, Oaklands, Rockland/Gonzales and Victoria West.

Public Art Policy

In 2010, Victoria City Council approved a new policy to increase funding for art in public spaces and expand opportunities for artists and members of the public to participate in the process. The Art in Public Places Policy was the result of a six-month review of the City's 17 year old public art policy.

It is the intention of the city to create new works of art for the enhancement of public places and providing opportunities for people in everyday life, for artists and the community to participate in the design, look and feel of the city. Art in public places is defined as: "original artwork selected, commissioned, created or donated for location in the public realm, and created by an artist. They may be permanent or transitory, functional, integrated or discrete to a site."

The City of Victoria contributes to the CRD Arts & Culture Support Service, which provides funding to arts organizations on behalf of nine municipalities and electoral areas in the capital region.

Artworks: Canada 150 Mosaic by Carey Newman; Commerce Canoe by Illarion Gallant

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