Interpretive Signs for Bowker Creek Watershed
New signs - 2018/19
Using new templates designed for interpretive signs at Hillside Centre (see below), BCI undertook to replace the original 2005
signs with new ones featuring updated information and graphics. An additional sign was created for the creek restoration site at Oak Bay High School.
Individual sign panels:
Hillside Centre Signs - 2015
Bowker Creek flows in pipes underground beside Hillside Centre mall. When owners decided to upgrade the buildings and parking lot in 2012, they undertook to reduce their impact on the underground creek at the same time. Improvements were made to on-site rainwater management including rain gardens, permeable pavement. As part of this project, Hillside Centre undertook to fund the creation of two interpretive signs and flagstone artwork to draw attention to the creek flowing underground here.
Sign panels:
Original Bowker Creek Watershed Signs (2005)
When the Bowker Creek Initiative was established in 2004, one of the first projects was to
create and install four interpretive signs in the watershed: one in each member municipality and one at the University of Victoria. These signs were installed and officially unveiled in 2005.