The Sooke and Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission (SEAPARC) creates recreational opportunities for the public through development, provision and operation of the recreational facilities, programs and activities. SEAPARC is a partnership of the municipality of Sooke and western communities in the JDF Electoral Area (Otter Point, Shirley, Jordan River and East Sooke). The Commission serves the residents of these areas. Funding for the commission comes from property taxes and user fees. The commission's main facility and service location is the CRD's SEAPARC Recreation Centre. Facilities include a three pool aquatic centre, ice rink, weight room, fitness studio, multi-purpose room, boardroom, sports field, bike park, skate park, outdoor sport box and golf course.
Commission Activities
The commission administrates services at the SEAPARC Recreation Centre and recreation programs for the District of Sooke and the western portion of the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area. The Commission oversees an administrator and staff, who are CRD employees. The Commission also prepares an annual budget and makes recommendations on operating policy, regulations and fees to the CRD board.
Regular meetings of the Commission take place at SEAPARC and are open to the public. Meetings are also held at the call of the Chair. Agendas and Minutes are posted for each meeting. Regular meetings are scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the SEAPARC Board Room, unless otherwise posted.
2025 Meeting Schedule (subject to change):
- January 7
- March 4
- April 1
- May 6
- June 3
- July 8 - At the call of the Chair
- August 5 - At the call of the Chair
- September 2
- October 7
- November 4
- December 2 - At the call of the Chair
Commission Members
The Commission is comprised of elected and appointed representation from the areas of District of Sooke and Juan de Fuca Electoral Area (Otter Point, Shirley, Jordan River and East Sooke). The District of Sooke representatives include two members of council and two community members nominated by the District of Sooke. The Juan de Fuca Electoral Area representatives include the JDF Regional Director, and one community member nominated by the JDF Regional Director. In addition, there is one youth member who is registered in the secondary school program of Sooke School District 62 and a resident of Juan de Fuca Electoral Area or the District of Sooke. Nominated community members are appointed by the CRD Board.
District of Sooke
- Maja Tait, Regional Director & Mayor, District of Sooke
- Al Beddows, Councillor, District of Sooke
- Noah Dowhy, District of Sooke
- Dal Little, District of Sooke
Juan de Fuca Electoral Area
- Al Wickheim, Regional Director, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area
- James Warner, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area
Youth Member