The Bowker Creek Initiative is a collaboration between local governments, community groups, institutions and private citizens to improve the health of Bowker Creek and its watershed. The BCI is supported by the CRD and the three municipalities and is governed by a diverse multi-stakeholder steering committee.
BCI Steering Committee
The Steering Committee includes representatives from all the partners and makes consensus-based decisions to guide the Initiative. The steering committee meets bimonthly. Interested in joining the BCI?
The purpose of the steering committee is to assist with and coordinate the efforts of the District of Saanich, City of Victoria, and District of Oak Bay and other agencies and interests in implementing the Bowker Creek Watershed Management Plan. The steering committee will assist in undertaking a variety of activities, including but not limited to:
- monitoring goals and objectives
- prioritizing actions
- applying for grants
- reviewing technical documents
- increasing public awareness
- and promoting partnerships

The steering committee will produce and annual report for distribution to the Capital Regional District, municipalities, community associations, special interest groups and the public.
BCI Subcommittees
The BCI enacts subcommittees as required to delve into specific topics or areas of focus. The various subcommittees provide information and recommendations to the BCI Steering committee and recieve further direction and guidance from this committee. The following Subcommittees focus on particular details within the Initiative.
Outreach Subcommittee
This subcommittee focuses on celebrating the creek and watershed, while raising awareness in support of the goals in the Watershed Management Plan and the implementation of the Bowker Creek Blueprint. Comprised of community volunteers, this group meets ad hoc and welcomes new members anytime.
Other Subcommittees
Other subcommittees are issue/task based:
The Master Drainage Plan Subcommittee (now disbanded) oversaw the development of a Master Drainage Plan – which contains engineering recommendations to address flooding and erosion in the watershed. This Plan is Phase One of an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan. - The Integrated Stormwater Management Plan Subcommittee (now disbanded) oversaw the creation of an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan, now referred to as the Bowker Creek Blueprint, that addresses many of the goals in the Bowker Creek Watershed Management Plan.
- The Greenways Subcommittee (now disbanded) has produced a Greenways Map that details potential greenways corridors in the watershed, and has provided this map to the three municipal councils as input to their greenways planning processes.