Aluminum canopy, aluminum shell and boulder.
An excerpt from the Artist's statement:
"I still have time to examine the sculpture on the plaza. From the ticket booth I can see a boulder that has been sawn through horizontally, its cut surface honed to a matte finish, and a large aluminum shell hovering over it. Beside the shell, an open-frame wall of stainless steel supports an aluminum canopy. When I get closer, I can make out a doorway in the frame. Some kids are slipping through it easily, but when I try to copy them, I find I have to turn sideways to get through. Once I'm through the wall, I can see how the aluminum shell works; if I stand beneath it, I can look up into its interior. Its ribbed insides give back light in a space that, though it only covers the top of my head, feels as private as a phone booth. When I whistle to test its resonance, it gives back a ringing sound. The boulder is beside me, and I can lean against it, one arm thrown up and resting on it smooth, level top." Mowry Baden June 19, 2003