Since the late 1990’s, the CRD has operated a stormwater quality monitoring service that samples stormwater in storm drains and at discharge points into our creeks and nearshore marine environment for potential contaminants. The aim of the monitoring is to identify sources of contamination and assess potential impacts to public and environmental health. The data is summarized in annual reports and used by our municipal partners, other jurisdictions and the community for source control, clean-up, infrastructure upgrades and restoration activities.

In 2010, with the direction to implement an Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) approach to develop a protocol for monitoring watershed health, the service enhanced the stormwater monitoring program to monitor for a wider array of potential contaminants and monitor flow in creeks. Moving forward with a more holistic approach, the stormwater quality service has become the Integrated Watershed Management Program.

The IWM program works to protect our local watersheds and the marine receiving environment through reducing stormwater contamination and improving overall watershed function. One of the means of achieving this goal is the development of regulatory compliance tools, such as bylaws and codes of practice, and non-regulatory tools such as best management practices, education and outreach activities.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Pursue effective and collaborative watershed management and stewardship
  • Protect clean water and effectively manage flows
  • Protect and enhance terrestrial, aquatic and nearshore marine habitats
  • Improve the resiliency and adaptive capacity of watersheds to a changing climate

Regulation of stormwater discharges falls under the jurisdiction of municipal governments. Please contact your municipality to learn of specific regulations pertaining to stormwater.