Drinking Water Systems

Find details about water systems the CRD operates, including service boundaries, water rates, and annual reports.

Billing & Accounts

Learn about your CRD water bill, moving and installation of meters, reading your water meter, water leak adjustments and applying to become a bulk water customer.

Cross Connection Control

This program is designed to safeguard Greater Victoria's Drinking Water System from contaminated water flowing backwards into the public water system.

Drinking Water Quality

Information about the quality drinking water in the Greater Victoria Drinking Water System and in CRD-operated small water systems within the Capital Regional District.

Engineering Specifications

Information for contractors and consultants on required engineering specifications for water-related projects.

Water Conservation

Information about the wise and efficient use of drinking water through education, water saving technologies, policy measures and research.

Water Service Outages

Information about current water outages, how to report a water outage and what to expect during a water outage.

Water System Maintenance

Information about the operation and maintenance of Greater Victoria's Drinking Water Supply System.

Watershed Protection & Stewardship

Information about the facilities and activities that are conducted within the Greater Victoria Water Supply Area.

Regional Water Supply Wholesale Rate

The 2024 wholesale water rate has been set at  $0.8094 per cubic metre, effective January 1, 2024. Read more >>

General Inquiries:

1.800.663.4425 (Option 1)

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday to Friday

After Hours Drinking Water Emergencies:


Monday to Friday after 4:30 PM, weekends and stat holidays

Sewer and Wastewater Inquires & Emergencies 

24 Hours - 250.940.7400

Water Conservation

Regional Water Supply System (Greater Victoria) 

Water conservation questions or concerns, email us at waterwise@crd.bc.ca 

Electoral Areas (Southern Gulf Islands, Port Renfrew & Juan de Fuca)

Water conservation questions or concerns, email us at waterplanning@crd.bc.ca