CRD Arts Service Launches New Grow Forward Grant Pilot Program

Jan 21, 2025

Victoria, BC– The Capital Regional District (CRD) Arts & Culture Support Service (Arts Service) has launched a new grant stream: the Grow Forward Grant. This pilot program will prioritize the mentorship, planning and capacity-building needs of the region’s not-for-profit arts community.

“The arts community gave very clear feedback that they need more capacity-building support,” says Marianne Alto, Chair of the Arts Commission. “The Grow Forward program will allow arts organizations to dedicate resources to organizational development and sectoral collaboration while still receiving support for their programming. The capital region is growing fast and we need to take a holistic approach to ensure that our regional arts ecosystem grows along with it.”

The Grow Forward Grant will provide funding to not-for-profit arts organizations for capacity-building, planning, mentorships, sectoral initiatives, and significant strategic adaptations to their operations. In the pilot version of this program, applicants can receive up to $5,000 to navigate challenges and seize opportunities that will build a stronger arts sector. This may include projects such as:

  • Developing mentorships for arts leaders internally or between organizations
  • Shifting business models or organizational structures
  • Strategic partnerships, as well as sectoral or cross-sectoral collaborative initiatives
  • Planning for leadership succession and organizational life cycle questions

The Arts Service is currently accepting applications to the Grow Forward Grant program, with a deadline of March 13, 2025, at 4:30 pm. There will be an information session held on February 27, 2025, from 12:30-1:30 pm for prospective applicants to learn about the new program and get application tips.

A full program evaluation found the Arts Service’s Incubator Grant program to be under-utilized, and in October 2024, the CRD Arts Commission approved the new Grow Forward Grant program to take its place. All activities that could be supported through the Incubator Grant program will still be eligible through the service’s other granting programs. Additionally, the Grow Forward program has expanded eligibility compared to the Incubator Grant program, allowing organizations to receive one grant for arts programming and another through Grow Forward for organizational development.

The replacement of the Incubator Grant program with the new Grow Forward Grant program is in support of the CRD's Arts & Culture Support Service’s 2024–2027 Strategic Plan; specifically, Goals 5a: “expand funding for planning and capacity-building,” and 5b: “Conduct a full program evaluation of Incubator Grants.” The CRD Arts & Culture Support Service is supported by Saanich, Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Highlands, Metchosin, Sooke and Southern Gulf Islands. For more information, visit

The CRD delivers regional, sub-regional and local services to 13 municipalities and three electoral areas on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Governed by a 24-member Board of Directors, the CRD works collaboratively with First Nations and government partners to enable sustainable growth, foster community well-being, and develop cost-effective infrastructure while continuing to provide core services to residents throughout the region. Visit us online at


For media inquiries, please contact:
Chris Gilpin, Manager
CRD Arts & Culture
Tel. 250.360.3205
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  • Grow Forward Grant Program
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