Royal Theatre and McPherson Playhouse Building Seismic Assessment

Jun 24, 2021, 04:03 PM
Project manager:
Andy Liu, P.Eng.
Contact person:
Andy Liu, P.Eng.
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3268
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3268
Project ID:
Jun 24, 2021, 04:30 PM
Jul 14, 2021, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Facilities Management & Engineering
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Call for Qualifications

Awarded to:

Project Description:

Clarification 1 - Posted June30, 2021

Call for Credentials
Royal Theatre and McPherson Playhouse
Building Seismic Assessment

CFC 70.20.01-02


The Royal Theatre is located at the intersection of Blanshard Street and Broughton Street.  The theatre was originally developed in 1913 and operated as a live performance theatre.  Circa 1945, the building was converted into a movie theatre until 1972 when it was reconverted for live performances.  Between the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, the eastern and western lobbies were added to the structure, along with seismic upgrading.  In 2002, a loading bay with storage was constructed along the southwestern corner of the property.  In addition, the northern building elevation underwent a significant cladding revitalization.

The building structure is generally constructed of reinforced concrete and structural steel.  Exterior walls are largely constructed with brick masonry with significant terracotta detailing along the northern building elevation.  The roof is largely of low-slope construction with a variety of roofing membrane assemblies.

The Royal Theatre was designated as a site of national historic significance in 1987 and received a commemorative plaque from the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in 1990.

McPherson Playhouse is located at 3 Centennial Square.  The building was constructed circa 1914 as a Pantages Theatre, which was operated as a live performance theatre.  In 1965, the foyer and box office were constructed.  The exterior courtyard, referred to as the Centennial Square, was also completed at this time.  In 2014, an addition was constructed along the northern building elevation to provide a covered loading bay as well as accommodate additional mechanical equipment.

The McPherson Playhouse was designated a site of national historic significance by the City of Victoria circa 1995.  The building structure is constructed of a combination of timber, steel, masonry, and reinforced concrete.  Exterior walls are largely constructed with brick masonry, exposed reinforced concrete, and glazing assemblies.  The roof is largely low-slope construction with a modified bituminous roof assembly.

In 2017, a property condition assessment was conducted for both buildings.  The assessment identified the need for a building envelope assessment and seismic assessment to further define the building repair and renewal in the near future. The building envelope assessments were completed in 2020.

This call for credentials is to invite statements of credentials from consultant teams having experience in building seismic assessment for “historic building and/or live performance facility”.  The purpose of this submission is to select a maximum of three (3) qualified and experienced teams which will be invited to submit detailed proposals to undertake the building seismic assessment for the Royal Theatre and McPherson Playhouse.

Closing Date

Four (4) copies of submission of credentials plainly marked on the envelope, “Royal Theatre and McPherson Playhouse Building Seismic Assessment, CFC 70.20.01-02, should be made to the attention of:

Attention: Linda Fogarty
Contract Coordinator
625 Fisgard Street
PO Box 1000
Victoria, BC  V8W 2S6
Tel: 250.360.3110

On or before the following date and time:

Time:              2:00 p.m. [local time]
Date:               08 July 2021

Submissions can be provided via email followed with hard copies.

Andy Liu, P.Eng., CEM
Manager, Environmental Engineering
Facilities Management & Engineering Services
Capital Regional District
625 Fisgard Street
PO Box 1000
Victoria, BC  V8W 2S6
Telephone:  250.360.3268



Additional Documents:
None specified

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