RFI PA0006 Financial Planning and Analysis Software Solution

Jan 20, 2025, 03:41 PM
Project manager:
Michael Keegan
Contact person:
Michael Perra
Project manager phone:
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3067
Project ID:
RFI PA0006
Jan 20, 2025, 03:00 PM
Feb 17, 2025, 03:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Finance & Technology
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Information

Project Description:

CRD is seeking information, through this RFI process, from interested parties for a software solution to support the Financial Services’ financial planning operations, which include the preparation and monitoring of organizational budgets which serve to ensure transparency, efficiency and accountability. Operations that could benefit from this software include:

  • Streamlined budget creation, consolidation and approval workflows.
  • More accurate forecasting, scenario planning and financial modeling.
  • Automated data integration and reporting.
  • Improved collaboration across departments and budget owners.
  • Easier tracking and monitoring of budget performance against actuals.
  • Retrieval of standardized and ad-hoc financial and operational reports.
  • Enhanced audit trail and version control for budgeting processes.
  • Reconciliation of FTE data with board-approved Staff Establishment Charts and Payroll data.
  • Scenario analysis and high-level breakdowns of funding sources and capital expenditures.

Interested parties are invited to respond to this RFI by submitting a detailed response to CRD. Responses should include ideas, information and recommendations that could result in clarification of how your proposed solution meets the requirements and provides cost-saving opportunities. Responses can also identify potential problem areas with this initiative. Respondents are requested to provide a concise and focused response to this RFI.

Additional Documents:
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