2024-956 - McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Hatch and Gate Construction

Aug 28, 2024, 04:30 PM
Project manager:
Contact person:
Shari McCreesh, Purchaser
Project manager phone:
Contact person phone:
(250) 474-9674
Project ID:
Aug 28, 2024, 04:45 PM
Oct 3, 2024, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Wastewater Management
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Invitation to Tender

Project Description:




 CONTRACT 2024-956



 Sealed Tenders, plainly marked on the envelope "TENDER FOR MCLOUGHLIN POINT WASTEWATER

TREATMENT PLANT HATCH AND GATE CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACT 2024-956”. will be received by by Shari McCreesh, Purchaser, Integrated Water Services of the Capital Regional District at their offices at 479 Island Highway, Victoria, British Columbia up to 2:00pm local time on October 3, 2024, at which time they will be opened “in private”.

 The works to be constructed under this Contract generally include, but is not limited to, the following:

 MPWWTP Hatch Replacement:

  1. Removal of existing ground-level hatches onsite at MPWWTP.
  2. Saw cutting and chipping of existing concrete slabs to accommodate installation of new hatches.
  3. Design, Supply, and Installation of new H20 load rated access hatches at removed locations.

 MPWWTP Gate Construction:

  1. Construction of a new access, a 1500 mm wide x 1070 high opening in the concrete parapet wall at the south-east edge of the upper level BAF gallery area centred on an existing crane-rail.
  2. Installation of new dual-gate opening at access.

 Proponents may be awarded follow-on work without a competition.

 Digital copies may be downloaded for no cost from www.crd.bc.ca/about/contracts-rfps/ after registering as a vendor and at www.bcbid.gov.bc.ca without registration. Vendors are encouraged to check BC Bid regularly for updates and not rely on e-mail notifications, as e-mail is inherently unreliable and subject to interruptions.

 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

 A non-mandatory pre-tender site meeting will be held at McLoughlin Wastewater Treatment Plant at 11:00am on September 19, 2024. Tenderers are recommended to visit the site to ensure that they have satisfied themselves of everything and of every condition that could affect the execution of the work.  Tenderers are encouraged to make enquiries to satisfy themselves of the work requirements.

 For information and/or enquiries on this project please contact Shari McCreesh, Purchaser at PurchasingIWS@crd.bc.ca:


Shari McCreesh, Purchaser
CRD Integrated Water Services
479 Island Highway
Victoria, BC   V9B 1H7

Additional Documents:
Additional documents exist that can be accessed by a logged-in/registered user for viewing.

Interested Vendors:

Company ContactEmailPhoneFax
Atlas Marine InfrastructureJames Brickendeninfo@atlasmarine.ca(778) 986-3699 

(As a Registered Vendor, this will subscribe you to all updates made to CRD Business Opportunities - 2024-956 - McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Hatch and Gate Construction)

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