
Business is typically brought to the Board through Board Committees or Commissions. Usually, a report is prepared by CRD staff outlining the item and recommending a course of action. The staff report is then reviewed by one of the Board Committees or Commissions before going to the Board of Directors for consideration. In some cases, an item may go directly to the Board for consideration.

As a member of the public, you may communicate with the CRD Board, Committees and Commissions in two ways:

  • Submit your comments in writing to the Corporate Officer
  • Speak to an item on a published agenda

Provide a Written Submission

If you wish to bring an issue or item of interest to the CRD Board's attention, it is recommended that you address a written submission to the Board Chair and/or Board.

Once your correspondence is received, staff will review your submission and distribute it to the Board Chair and/or Board and may:

  1. provide you with a direct response; and/or
  2. prepare a staff report in response to the request and forward it to the appropriate Board committee or the Board for consideration.

Speak to an Agenda Item

Delegations have the option of participating in person, or by telephone.

You are welcome to address a meeting of the Board, a Committee or Commission regarding an item on a published meeting agenda.

You can make a request online or complete this printable form (PDF). We are also happy to mail or fax out a form--call Legislative Services at 250.360.3127 to request a form. Printed forms can be submitted by fax to 250.360.3130.

Requests must be received no later than 4:30pm two calendar days prior to the meeting. For a Wednesday meeting, this means requests must be received by 4:30pm on Monday of the week of the meeting. Requests to speak are subject to a majority vote by those Board or Committee members present.

If less than two days are available, you may still submit a request to speak to the Board or a Committee. Such requests are subject to unanimous vote by those Board or Committee members present.

Presentations are limited to three minutes unless a longer period is agreed to by unanimous vote of those members present.

Any PowerPoint or video presentation accompanying a delegation's address to the Board or Committee must be submitted to Legislative Services in its electronic format at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting so that CRD Information Technology staff can add it to the presentation equipment.

Please note: The Board or committee shall not permit a delegation to address a meeting regarding:
  • a zoning or community plan bylaw for which a Public Hearing has been held
  • a matter to be dealt with as a grievance under a collective agreement
  • a matter that is within the exclusive mandate of the Greater Victoria Labour Relations Association Board.